Dental Practice Visits: Is Every Six Months Enough?

Dental Practice Visits: Is Every Six Months Enough? from Davis & Dingle Family Dentistry in Columbia, SCIt is easy to put off dental practice visits with the excuse that there is too much to do to make visits regularly. However, if your schedule is too busy for regular visits, it might be time to rethink some things. Patients should visit at least every six months. However, some might need to go more often.

The importance of regular dental practice visits

Without a biannual visit, the patient might develop some health and dental problems. These are easy to prevent if found early on. Regular cleanings keep the teeth cleaner than it is possible to get at home. Even if the patient flosses and brushes often enough, there are some different techniques the dentist uses.

For example, the dental practice might use a scaler to remove extra tartar or plaque. Then it can get rinsed away. That prevents bad breath, gum disease, and cavities. The dentist might polish the teeth using an abrasive substance. That leaves the teeth smooth and makes it harder for tartar to develop later on.

Finding tooth decay early on

The patient will also have an exam done at a dental practice visit. These visits allow a dentist to find gum disease or cavities before they can worsen. Sometimes, gum disease is easy to reverse if caught early on. Plus, there could be a bit of decay that the patient overlooks. If not addressed, it could lead to more severe decay. Then the patient’s tooth might be lost.

Who needs to go to a dental practice more often?

Many patients only need to go to a dental practice every six months for an exam and cleaning. However, there are a few exceptions. For instance, those who use tobacco or smoke might need to go more often. Having poor oral hygiene puts patients at risk for cavities, meaning it is essential to have more visits.

If the patient does not produce enough saliva, it might be necessary to go to the dental practice more often. And those who have issues that make it harder to clean the teeth might need to have the dentist do it. Chronic health conditions might put patients at higher risks, as well. Other reasons to visit the dentist more than six months include:

  • Breastfeeding or being pregnant
  • Having bone loss or gum disease
  • Having had a lot of dental work in the past
  • Going longer than a year without a dental exam or cleaning

Still, patients should never try to determine the frequency of visits themselves. That is what the dentist is there for. Instead, the dentist can help the patients decide when to come in. That way, the patient is more likely to have a healthier smile.

Schedule a dental practice visit today

The only way to find the right frequency of dental practice visits is by talking to the dentist. Many patients struggle to fit things in the day. But dental health is critical, and getting regular cleanings is essential for maintaining health. Making an appointment today is the first step.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Practice in Columbia, SC

Call Us Today

Request an appointment or call Davis & Dingle Family Dentistry at 803-567-1804 for an appointment in our Columbia office.

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