Top 5 Services Offered by General Dentists

Top 5 Services Offered by General Dentists from Davis & Dingle Family Dentistry in Columbia, SCEven though dentistry consists of many different services, you might be surprised to learn that many of them are performed by a general dentist. While certain specialists handle certain procedures, a regular dentist takes care of many of the more common or popular services.

We have put together our list of the top 5 services offered by general dentists for your perusal.

1. Teeth whitening

While not the most necessary procedure, teeth whitening is by far the most popular among patients. The reason is that everyone wants a bright white smile, but the other options that are available to whiten teeth simply do not cut it. This leads many people to head to their local dentist for professional teeth whitening that works in as little as one visit.

2. Exams and cleanings

Perhaps the most essential service of all, routine exams and cleanings, form the backbone of our oral healthcare. Most patients go twice a year to have their teeth cleaned and their mouth examined by a dentist to help treat and prevent oral health problems. Though we do not often enjoy these visits, they are something of a necessity to stay healthy.

3. Fillings

You might not think fillings would be that popular, except perhaps among children and teens, but evidence shows that the average adult will need between 3-4 fillings in their lifetime. This means the dentist is putting in plenty of fillings for both adults and children and that a lot of people need to work on their oral hygiene.

4. Crowns

A dental crown is one of the most important dental appliances that has ever been used. Dental crowns help to repair a damaged tooth and restore it to its natural function. More than that, they help protect the tooth from further damage and can save a tooth that might otherwise need to be extracted. Dentists will always prefer to install a crown over having to pull a tooth, and millions of people get them every year.

5. Basic extractions

No matter how hard we try, sometimes, when we go to the dentist, we need to have our teeth pulled. Now, unless the extraction requires surgery, a dentist will pull a tooth manually, either by hand or with pliers. Basic extractions, as they are called, are done for many reasons. Sometimes it is because a tooth simply cannot be saved. Other times it is to protect the rest of a person’s teeth or out of a medical necessity. Whatever the reason, your dentist is the one who does the pulling and handles the aftercare.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: General Dentist in Columbia, SC


As you can see, some of the most common and frequently used services are all performed by your general dentist. Though they may be called general dentists, they handle a large portion of our oral healthcare and are responsible for helping us manage everything and referring us to specialists when we need them. This makes them integral to our oral healthcare process and keeps a healthy smile.

Request an appointment or call Davis & Dingle Family Dentistry at 803-567-1804 for an appointment in our Columbia office.

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